Thursday 27 December 2007

Well, Fuck!

My sister was 10 when she was picked by her class in school to read a news article out in an Assembly ~ the theme was Current Events, and she was asked to read about the elections in Pakistan in 1988.

She spent ages learning how to pronounce the name Benazir. In her first efforts it came out as 'Ben-a-jeer' but with practice, perseverence and encouragement from Mother she did it. I felt about 10 foot tall when she read out her news item loud, proud and clear.

I had little recollection of the significance of the election itself, I had very little perception of or interest in world-changing events then; what I've learned since has only been recently. The only time that India and Pakistan had been in my thoughts in nearly 20 years had been when both countries had performed nuclear tests in the late nineties, and I had genuinely feared for the world upon hearing the news. I remember coming home depressed and getting drunk that night.

Well she's dead now. Benazir Bhutto, politician, prime minister, mother and tie-er of my 10-year-old sister's tongue back in the day has been assassinated. By a suicide bomber. I know very little about her beyond this little bit of nostalgic whimsey but the news has still pissed me off.

Here's the links, courtesy of the BBC;
~ Chaszmyr

Tuesday 25 December 2007

Quote Of Christmas

The Queen's Speech ~ 3pm GMT
Christmas Lunch ~ 3:10pm GMT
The Doctor Who Christmas Special ~ about 6:50pm GMT


"So Lunch is cunningly sandwiched between the Queen and Doctor Who." ~ Ogrek

"That's a mental image I could have done without..." ~ Chaszmyr

Merry Christmas to all

And to all a good night.

With any luck, normal service will return to when Chaszmyr gets off their arse and draws some more comics. The spouse has been throwing creative ideas left, right and centre and there's a new art desk about to be ordered. In addition to that HEX has been upgraded with a new power supply and NeverWinter Nights has been hidden by Gizmo.

Merry Christmas, Happy Midwinter Solstice and have a damn good New Year. Mine will involve the results of the consumption of Gaymers' Cider.

Words Of Wisdom

Never watch CSI: Miami whilst stoned.

Oh Wonderful

There is a history of Acid Reflux and related conditions on your mother's side of the family.

Nice of your sister to tell you about it 3 years after you originally told her you'd got a Hiatus Hernia.

Glad you fled the Underdark, Drizzt?

Sunday 9 December 2007

In Memory Of Meep The Kobold - A Quote Of The Week Special

The Griffin Gamers have a new player, a pretty good roleplayer who brought to the game the wacky, chaotic Meep the Kobold, a draconic sorceror with wings. He lasted two weeks but will be fondly remembered by all and has firmly established his player into the group. I look forward to seeing what he plays next week.

So in memory of Meep, here are some of his best quotes and the responses to them.


"I've got a Chaos Elemental minion in my head!" ~ Meep
"I've got one too, I take Prozac for it." ~ A rather out-of-character response from Chaszmyr


*Rolls D20 for Spot skill* "1!" ~ Meep
"It's a good thing the dragon wasn't flying up there; 'Where is it? Where is-' *GLOMP*" ~ Ogrek, the GM
(Muffled) "Help guys, I've been glomped by a dragon!" ~ Chaszmyr
"He's become a Mini Fillet Burger." ~ Durin The Monk
"Ah, In-Flight Meal." ~ Kalil The Tiefling
"No, I'm actually edible!" ~ Meep


In response to an Ent assisting Durin in combatting a dragon by throwing him at it on request;

"What damage does a thrown dwarf do?" ~ Lord Asriel


Dysmotility is when the muscles of the gullet are uncoordinated and do not function properly.

It's also what you have, in addition to the Hiatus Hernia. The bizarre Borg Implant detected no anomalies in the stomach but the Manometry tests spoke volumes to two very puzzled and concerned nurses.

Your comment about it is that as usual, out of the seven sacred Chakra points in your body, four of them are "fucked".

Let's see what the doctor says on Wednesday.

And no, you're not The Fat Bird. I agree with the spouse.