Sunday 18 March 2007

Great Moments In Roleplaying, Part 1

A great many of your friends can remember the moment in roleplaying where it all clicks into place, when it all stops being a glorified boardgame and becomes that integral part of their lives. A character becomes more than a set of stats on a page and becomes one with it's player.

You're not so blessed; I have seen how often you have wracked your brain to remember that Moment of Perfect Clarity and what made it happen, and how it annoys you that the memory is just not there. One day, it will come.

What you do remember though is no less significant;

There was the first time you played Dungeons and Dragons, one lazy sunday afternoon when you were 16. You were invited by a friend to give it a go and your first character was a particularly un-comely human fighter named Kruge. A month or so later a player named John drew him for you and you treasured it until one day your depression got the better of you and you burnt it after a row with your husband. You regret it, but the memory of the picture and the spirit in which it was drawn still remains.

A year later you started playing Champions, and took quite well to superhero drama, although some of your earlier roleplaying still makes you cringe. Your MPC probably took place in this system. Your first ever experience points earned in Champions were spent on teaching Vega, a Spaniard, how to speak English.

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